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 Sunday NFL Tailgate

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Underground Dyer
7 posters

Which of the logo for the new show do you like best?
Number One
Sunday NFL Tailgate Vote_lcap73%Sunday NFL Tailgate Vote_rcap
 73% [ 8 ]
Number Two
Sunday NFL Tailgate Vote_lcap18%Sunday NFL Tailgate Vote_rcap
 18% [ 2 ]
Number Three
Sunday NFL Tailgate Vote_lcap9%Sunday NFL Tailgate Vote_rcap
 9% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 11


Male Number of posts : 47
Age : 46
Registration date : 2007-07-13

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2007 10:38 pm

We here at the Sports Talk Underground are very excited to make this very special announcement.

Through a friend at work Dyer learned of a low-power FM station in suburban Round Lake, Illinois (where his Dad just happens to live) that had open timeslots on Sunday mornings. When the guys first approached the station about taking a slot on Sundays they were told that Sunday mornings were usually reserved for religious programming.

But after a little bit of pushing from the guys and after taking a look at the Sports Talk Underground website, the station found out just who they were dealing with and granted the guys a two hour timeslot on Sunday mornings during the NFL season!!!

The show will be called "Sunday NFL Tailgate" and it will air LIVE every Sunday starting September 9th (Opening Day - Week One) from 9-11am central standard time on 98.3 FM WRLR.

Dyer will be the host of the show and Simmons will join him in the studio from time to time.

Now, I know what you're saying....."how are we supposed to be able to hear a show being broadcast on a low-power FM station?"

So glad you asked....

Through the wonder of technology, WRLR broadcasts all of their programming live on their website at:

Just scroll to the bottom of the page to the "WRLR Audio Stream" section, click on "ON-AIR AUDIO STREAM" and voila!! You're listening to the show!!

Dyer is going into the station this weekend for a training session and will be able to let you guys know what kind of internet capabilities they will have during the show to let you know whether or not you can e-mail the show or if there will be a new section of the message board for your comments or questions during the show.

But one thing we can tell you now is that you will be able to call into the show and be on the air LIVE!!

The guys are very excited about this new opportunity and look forward to having you guys join them for the next phase in the show's history. They have long been exploring the chance to do a call-in show of some kind and have finally found a way to make it happen. They would also like to take this time to thank you for your continued support of the show(s) and let you know that they couldn't be doing this without you.

As you will see below a few new logos have been created that will appear on the WRLR website and the guys would like for you to vote on which your favorite one is. They already have a pretty good idea which one they are going to use, but would like to get your take on which you like best, so make sure and vote at the top of the page.

So tune in, one way or the other, on Sunday, September 9th from 9-11am to hear the all new STUN production "Sunday NFL Tailgate"!!!

Last edited by on Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Male Number of posts : 47
Age : 46
Registration date : 2007-07-13

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2007 10:41 pm

Here are the logo choices:

Option One
Sunday NFL Tailgate Football_On_Angle

Option Two
Sunday NFL Tailgate Football_Straight_On

Option Three
Sunday NFL Tailgate Football_Skin

Get your votes in, we'd like to have a decision made by Sunday when Dyer goes in for his training session.
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Male Number of posts : 410
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2007 11:39 pm

Yee-haw! It's official!
Football > Jesus!

Number 3 looks creeeeepy.

Do you know if these shows will be available in PodCast form for those who don't wake up before noon?
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Underground Dyer
Underground Dyer

Male Number of posts : 483
Age : 46
Location : Chicago, IL
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2007 11:49 pm

Good question Meathorse,

I'll jot that one down and ask the station manager on Sunday.
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Male Number of posts : 107
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2007 9:01 am

I voted 1. looks the coolest. I due to church wouldn't always be able to listen to all of them. Sounds AWSOME and a great opportunity. I too would be interested in having it in podcast form. would that be 10-12 Eastern?
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Female Number of posts : 460
Age : 48
Location : Cincinnati, OH...ish
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2007 9:16 am

I am the lone individual who voted for number 3.

One and two are great images by themselves. One especially; the use of selective focus on the front edge of the ball lacing is really nice. But, the addition of text to the images makes them both entirely too busy for my eyes. That same beautiful lacing in number one is perfectly sharp directly behind the "NFL" and competes for attention.

I find that the ball texture in number 3 is simple enough to handle the addition of text, but is still completely recognizable as the surface of a football.
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Male Number of posts : 89
Age : 32
Registration date : 2007-07-24

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2007 9:54 am

Holy crap, that's awesome, guys! Great job!

I, too, am interested in a podcast of this here show. I'd certainly listen.
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Male Number of posts : 410
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2007 10:20 am

whodeygal wrote:

I find that the ball texture in number 3 is simple enough to handle the addition of text, but is still completely recognizable as the surface of a football.
Heh... heh heh.... you said "ball texture". Heh.

The longer I stare at it the more I think of some kind of crazy rash.
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Female Number of posts : 460
Age : 48
Location : Cincinnati, OH...ish
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2007 6:01 pm

You're such a dirty bird.

I know that's nothing new, I'm just sayin'.

Also, what the hell kind of rashes do you get?! Wait, no, don't answer.
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Male Number of posts : 68
Age : 49
Registration date : 2007-07-15

Sunday NFL Tailgate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2007 8:01 pm

We had a holiday weekend over here - so a bit late on this news but congratulations, I will be doing my best to tune in and give you a call - although I am on holiday next week so I may not have much to say Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Sunday NFL Tailgate   Sunday NFL Tailgate Icon_minitime

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