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 TNT - 06.02.08

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4 posters
Underground Dyer
Underground Dyer

Male Number of posts : 483
Age : 46
Location : Chicago, IL
Registration date : 2007-07-14

TNT - 06.02.08 Empty
PostSubject: TNT - 06.02.08   TNT - 06.02.08 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2008 3:04 am

The debut episode of our new show is up!

But thanks to our host site not wanting to cooperate and upload the damn show, we are temporarily putting it on our old him (a.k.a iPodnetworks). So until gets their glitches fixed so we can get the show up there and iTunes, you can find the show here.

For our first episode, we tell eight of the NFL's own that 2008 is a "Put Up or Shut Up" year for them. We took a trip down memory lane with Dick Vermeil, talked about Jason Taylor's situation in Miami and a host of other things in our First and Ten segment.

All of this and the All Out Blitz on the debut episode of The NFL Tailgate!!
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Male Number of posts : 42
Age : 48
Registration date : 2007-07-15

TNT - 06.02.08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNT - 06.02.08   TNT - 06.02.08 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 1:14 pm

just finished listening, great show guys. Good way to kick off the season so to speak.
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Underground Dyer
Underground Dyer

Male Number of posts : 483
Age : 46
Location : Chicago, IL
Registration date : 2007-07-14

TNT - 06.02.08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNT - 06.02.08   TNT - 06.02.08 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 2:02 pm

Thanks Thestos,

I think I can speak for Simmons when I say it feels great to be back and making football our primary topic of discussion. It was probably the easiest show we have ever done. We went for an hour and fifteen minutes and we could have easily gone for more.

Now that it seems that the "glitch" with has fixed itself, everyone will be alerted immediately when an episode has been uploaded so they can go to our page to download it, or go to iTunes and get it. is the mypodcast address. And is the show's e-mail address for anyone interested in asking questions or making suggestions about the show.

Don't know when the next episode will be up, but as always we will keep everyone updated when we make that decision.
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Male Number of posts : 107
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-07-14

TNT - 06.02.08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNT - 06.02.08   TNT - 06.02.08 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 9:16 am

Just listened. Good to hear both of you guys.

I was waiting for the intro song to be TNT from ACDC, but hey thats just a little thing.

With the Alex Smith thing. I think he has been handicapped so far. Like you guys said he has had a different OC each year. Plus has he had great weapons to throw to? His wr have been average at best. Vernon Davis is probably his best weapon, but he has been hurt and not nearly as effective as he was in college.

I know people in Oakland would be PO'd like nothing else, they are some of the best fans in the game, but why not just move Oakland to LA...
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Male Number of posts : 569
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-07-14

TNT - 06.02.08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNT - 06.02.08   TNT - 06.02.08 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 9:46 am

I agree on the TNT thing. I've been thinking about doing that for awhile. Maybe it could be our outro music? We definitely need to think about doing that
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TNT - 06.02.08 Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNT - 06.02.08   TNT - 06.02.08 Icon_minitime

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TNT - 06.02.08
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