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 Buh-Bye Ceddie!!

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Underground Dyer
Underground Dyer

Male Number of posts : 483
Age : 46
Location : Chicago, IL
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Buh-Bye Ceddie!! Empty
PostSubject: Buh-Bye Ceddie!!   Buh-Bye Ceddie!! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 11:38 am

Larry D. may be a little late to the party on the Cedric Benson matter, but it won't keep him from giving his two cents on the matter.

He also discusses the ramifications of Benson's release.

Is it all up to Matt Forte?

Or will the Bears bring in a veteran to mentor/spell the rookie?

And who should that veteran be?

Larry also addresses the contract situations of some unhappy Bears at the moment as we head into training camp. Which of the unhappy Bears worries our host the most?

And finally, a widely known publication makes what many may see as a bold prediction in regard to our beloved Bears. Which publication? And what did they say?

The answer to these and many other questions on this edition of the Chicago Bears Review!!!
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Buh-Bye Ceddie!!
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