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 NHL Playoff Race

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Male Number of posts : 96
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PostSubject: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeWed Apr 02, 2008 9:49 pm

Any hockey fans out there? I know there's one Leaf fan out there (who's team almost ruined my Sabres' chances for the playoffs last night... but we were victorious!)

I just can't believe how close the standings are across both conferences! There's only 2 games left for most teams and there are still at least 10 teams per conference in the playoff race, and the seedings are definitely still up for grabs! Amazing!

The Sabres need a LOT of help, but they seem determined to do their part. If they can beat Montreal tomorrow, it would be a great ending to the season if the game Saturday in Boston was for a playoff spot! (Of course, it could be over tonight if Boston wins...)

If the Sabres don't make the playoffs, I'm not sure who I'll root for... many great teams... should be a fantastic playoffs! Can't wait! One week from today!!!
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Underground Dyer
Underground Dyer

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Registration date : 2007-07-14

NHL Playoff Race Empty
PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 7:11 am

I was watching SportsCenter last night and was very surpised to see how close the playoff races were too. Lots of teams with 90pts headed into the last week of the season.

I have never been a hockey fan, probably because my hometown Blackhawks are owned by a guy universally called THE worst owner in sports and he wouldn't air home games on TV. So I didn't watch any Hawk games growing up even though I could name more players from those teams than I can from the one that's playing now.

But I have always really liked the NHL playoffs because they are so competitive and unpredictable. 8 seeds beat 1 seeds all the time, so being a 1 seed guarantees nothing and I love that. Looking forward to see how it all shakes out. For the NHL's sake I hope that Pittsburgh finds its way into the Stanley Cup Finals so their 'Michael Jordan" can be on the national stage.
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Male Number of posts : 410
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Registration date : 2007-07-14

NHL Playoff Race Empty
PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2008 7:48 am

Live hockey kicks ass. I hit a couple Blues games a year. Really don't pay a bit of attention to the NHL as a whole until the playoffs start, though.

Guess it is about time. Thanks for the heads up :)
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Male Number of posts : 107
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 9:32 am


Arguably the hottest team in the league as of now. It's gonna be FUNN!!!
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Male Number of posts : 96
Age : 50
Registration date : 2007-08-02

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PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 8:36 pm

Yeah the Caps are looking great. Most likely will advance past round one, I'd say. Except, you really never know which Senators team will show up. They can be lousy, or staggeringly amazing. (Especially their top line.)

Funny that playoff seeding is still in question today. In the East, if Philly wins, Montreal will remain the 1st seed, and Philly moves into second. If Pittsburgh wins, they get the top seed, and Philly remains in 8th. Oddly enough, the first round matchup will not change. This game is a preview of one of the Eastern Conference series.

Montreal vs Boston, Pittsburgh vs Philly, Washington vs Ottawa, and Rangers vs. Devils.

Rangers and Devils play today too, to determine who gets home ice. (4/5 seeds)

In the west, most everything is set except Colorado with a win can jump ahead of Calgary in the standings, and I don't know the tie-breakers, but if Dallas loses, they'll be tied with the Aves. So Col could move up two spots possibly with a win.

Fun last day of the regular season!

Can't wait for the playoffs!!
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Male Number of posts : 96
Age : 50
Registration date : 2007-08-02

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PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 8:39 pm

Hold the phone. Not sure on that Pit/Phi playoff series matchup. Looked at the standings again... if Philly wins, they will vault into 6th place (playing the Caps)... somehow though, Mon vs Bos is set, though they may move in the standings. Pretty funny...
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Male Number of posts : 107
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeSat Apr 12, 2008 9:00 am


What a game.

Pittsburgh seems to be dominating their series. The Flames series could also be worth watching.
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Male Number of posts : 569
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-07-14

NHL Playoff Race Empty
PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitimeTue Apr 29, 2008 7:37 am

There is not a better playoffs in sports to watch than the NHL. Live NHL is the fantastic as well.
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PostSubject: Re: NHL Playoff Race   NHL Playoff Race Icon_minitime

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